1. Knowledge Base
  2. Guide to Mapware
  3. Exporting files from Mapware to other systems

How to Export your Model

Export Your Model

Each model can be exported in various formats in order to use them in other applications. Currently we provide exports of point clouds in .laz, .las, .ply, .txt, .e57, and .pcd formats.export_options

  1. From the map, click the Export button
  2. Check the box next to the layers you wish to export.
  3. For each layer, select the file format you wish to have them exported in.
  4. When ready, click Export
  5. Once the export has begun, you'll need to navigate to the Exports tab for the project.
  6. On the Exports tab, you are able to download any of the exports once they are ready.

Note: Exports may take a moment to prepare and may not instantly show in the list. You will receive an email notification when your export is ready.
