This article covers the different file types you can use to create a new model.
What files should I have ready when I log in to create a new model?
- Creating a 3D model requires a minimum of 20 image files.
- Remember, you can upload as many image files as you want up to the limitations of your subscription level.
- Images can be uploaded in the following file types: JPEG, RAW, TIFF, or PNG.
- (Optional) You can also upload ground control points and GPS corrections.
- Ground control point files can be uploaded in the following file types: TXT, CSV, XLS, XLXS, or OBS.
- (Optional) If you have previously created photogrammetry models, you can import them into your project. Follow the steps HERE.
- Models can be uploaded in the following file types: LAS, LAZ, Geotiff, Shapefile, or Cesium
- (Optional) You can also upload any other types of files, but it will only be saved in storage inside the project.
That's it! Feel free to get started processing a model now, by following the steps HERE.