Follow these steps if you want to create a 3D Model or Ortho with your drone images from Mapware Fly
Download Mission Images from the Drone
The mission success page gives the option to Go Back to Project if you want to manually upload your images to your computer later. It is not required to download or upload images if you prefer a manual process.
However, if you press Upload to Mapware for Processing, the software will begin downloading images automatically from the drone to the tablet once the Mission Details page appears. Please do NOT turn off the drone or disconnect the controller during this step. If you do lose connectivity with the drone, such as if the battery dies, reestablish connectivity and the application should allow you to begin downloading images again. Note: Downloading the images to the tablet does NOT remove the images from the drone's SD card.
- Pause Download will allow you to pause the download from the drone to the tablet at any time. If you pause temporarily and would like to continue downloading, press the Resume Download button.
- View Flight Plan will allow you to go back to the Mission planning step and review the map, or even flight another Mission. We recommend to fully complete downloading the images before beginning another Mission.
- Download Progress will show in the upper left-hand corner, showing a blue progress bar across the screen, as well as the number of how many images have successfully downloaded and the total number of images taken during the Mission. (ie: 10/503)
View Mission Images
On the Mission Details page, you will always see a list of images from the Mission once they have downloaded from the drone. At any time, you can press the ellipses (…) to see additional options for the images.
- Open will display the image in full screen and provide additional information such as Camera type, ISO, Shutter Speed, and more. These images will display in low resolution if they have already been uploaded to Mapware. Once open, press the i icon in order to see more information about the image.
- Delete will allow you to delete any images that may have been taken on accident or are poor quality.
- Rename will allow you to rename any images that you would like to give specific names to.
NOTE: This will only delete the image from the tablet, and not the drone’s SD card.
Upload images to Mapware
Once the download has completed, you then have the option to upload the images to Mapware’s servers to be used in photogrammetric model processing. Note: If you wish, the drone can be powered off and the controller disconnected during this step.
- Upload to My Mapware Account will begin the upload to Mapware’s cloud storage. At any time, the user can press Pause Upload to stop the upload progress and Resume Upload to continue.
- Each individual image row will contain an Up Arrow Icon next to the ellipses once it has successfully uploaded to your Mapware account.
Note: Once images are uploaded to Mapware, the images retained on the device are only low resolution. This is done to save device storage for future missions. In order to view high resolution images, you'll need to visit your account on Mapware.
Process a Photogrammetric Model in Mapware
For a complete step by step guide to using Mapware, please see the knowledge base article: Mapware Quick Start Guide.
When the upload has completed, you can then press Process Model in Mapware to open a browser to This is the main Mapware application, where you can create a new model using the images that were just uploaded.